I am so proud of the effort of my graduate student Xintong Li in our just-published paper, All-Electrical Control and Temperature Dependence of the Spin and Valley Hall Effect in Monolayer WSe2 Transistors!

I worked on spin and valley Hall effect experiments when I was a postdoc, working with Elyse Barré and Tony Heinz. These experiments are so challenging, everything has to go right from the monolayer material transfer, 20+ nanofabrication steps, electrically connecting the devices to the cryostat, cooling down, spatial measurements without drift, maintaining good signal:noise ratio, and more. Xintong did it all through his diligence and smarts and produced a very comprehensive set of results.

We optically and spatially characterize the spin and valley Hall effect in monolayer WSe2 transistors. We show it’s persistence up to 160 Kelvin and robust electrical control, important step towards practical application in devices. The SVHE is one of the only ways to generate a gateable spin current, which if properly harnessed could be very useful in spintronic devices.


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